Monday, March 14, 2011

Well Begun is Half Done

Well begun is half done: Prov. Beginning a project well makes it easier to do the rest.; Once you have begun a project well, you do not need to put in much more effort to finish it

I guess this is true, when you actually start to do something (not just thinking about it or deciding to do it) it is "half done". I suffer from this a little. I have all these huge ideas of things I want to accomplish but lack the motivation to start. This however is only part of my problem. I feel like the bigger issue is finishing.

Don't get me wrong Mary Poppins is half right but I have started so many things, and I will even be very dedicated for a while, then it just stops. This is how it was with cooking more, reading the classics, and other habits I was trying to form. I heard that if you do something for 20 some days in a row it is a habit...but they why does it go away after 60?

Some of my friends have been wearing one dress everyday for a span of a month or more (one for 180 days!) to raise money and awareness for the Daughter Project. For this lent I decided to follow their example and for 40 days (46 actually) I have decided to wear one black jersey dress. To prepare I came up with few options to calm the nerves and get my creative juices flowing. On Day 1: I woke up and wanted to quit. Day 2: same. Day 3: thought about making Friday my "day off" a week that some usually take on Sundays when fasting for lent. Day 4 and 5 were fine, so like I thought well begun is half done. Monday Day 6: wanted to quit again.

Why can I not finish things? Well I am determined to finish this...and also to not look completely stupid doing it. And hopefully completing this will lead to more finishing in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Kim Seiberling3:14 PM

    Nice dress... I thought you were going to lose it at the meeting last night!
