Monday, June 20, 2011

Music Monday: Importance of Soundtracks

It is no secret that I love music and think it is very important. It is also no secret that I love movies and good TV. So when the two combine it is awesome. The music chosen for a movie and where they choose to use it can make or break a scene- or even a whole movie. Like in Corky Ramano, a surprisingly funny movie that makes me mad every time "Kryptonite" comes on in the weirdest place and does not fit AT ALL. Or on the opposite side-Star Wars which would not be as awesome, or emotionally moving, if it were not for John Williams. (He is my favorite modern composer- don't get me started) Music is important for setting the mood and helping you feel for the characters. After the movie is over soundtracks can remind you of the movie, how you felt or expose a new way to think about the song. For example I loved the Away We Go soundtrack from day 1, way before I saw the movie. After the movie seeing the heartbreaking way they used "Oh! Sweet Nothing" by Velvet Underground it made me love that song even more. Or, it wasn't until I was listening to Hello Dolly and teared up at the start of "Put On Your Sunday Clothes", that I realized I loved the movie Wall-E.

Another reason I love soundtracks is because they are great mix tapes. You can put a soundtrack on when you want a mix of music and don't want to think about what goes well together and the hassle of making a new playlist. Or when you are in certain mood, you can put on the soundtrack of a movie that makes you feel better- like Clueless when I am happy and Garden State when I want to relax or am feeling a little off that day.

So for the next few weeks I am going to tell you about a few of my favorite soundtracks non score, non musical. (Sounds like a Grammy Category) So then I guess I will start with a Grammy Winner for Best Compilation Soundtrack Album for a Motion Picture, Television or Other Visual Media; which is saying a lot since is always goes to a musical or a movie about music (like Ray, or Crazy Heart).

Garden State:
Garden State is one of the best soundtracks of all time. With everything from Coldplay to Simon & Garfunkel. Nick Drake to Cary Brothers. Not to mention most of the country's first exposure to The Shins with "You gotta hear this one song — it’ll change your life; I swear." (so true) Garden State is a perfect combination of mellow music that everyone can enjoy. It is an album that when we played it in the store we sold it or one of the individual artists they heard. I imagine hundreds of thousands of records have been sold because of Garden State- in my own collection I have not only the soundtrack but 8 others I bought because of what I heard!  (it started at 5 but then I keep remembering more that I got just because of this album) Which is a quality that will define most of my favorites- a combination of familiar and unfamiliar that introduces you to new artists and makes you dig deeper into the old ones. Garden State is a must have for everyone, you don't need to like the movie or even see it to enjoy this one (although I would recommend it) because it is the perfect CD for the morning or night, a gloomy day,  to go to sleep to, read to, study to, or rocking a child. I mean it won a Grammy and you think they just give those things away? Cause they don't. (bonus points to name that movie reference.)

**So what brought this on? I watched Going the Distance yesterday, not bad, don't think I will be watching it again, but great soundtrack. Might "pick that up later." (said in the style of New Girl...I know I am obsessed)**

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