Monday, August 22, 2011

Music Monday: Top 10 Fake Bands

Here is my list of my Top 10 Best Fictional Bands of All Time for Music Monday. A common theme is that I own their music, love the show or movie they are in and quote them often. Enjoy.

10. School of Rock (School of Rock)
"No one can stop, the School of Rock!" I love Jack Black, Mike White, Joan Cusack and their band of talented children. Great stage presence, musicianship and songs about getting picked on, paying rent and school. I have seen the "real school" this was "based" on and it was disturbing...I prefer the School of Rock.

Best Song: School of Rock

9. Gemini Twin and 7 Degree Celsius (Saturday Night Live)
I could not decide between these two of who should make it so I put them together. Both of them had ever-changing lineups and great accomplishments from appearing on TRL to Cribs. If you have never seen these I highly recommend you check them out. Gemini Twin is 3 strong women who can sing...vis-ual :) and then we have the second best boy band parody band from the early 2000's complete with a heartthrob and a guy who cannot dance and has kids but trying to pass as 17. Great stuff.

Best Moment: 7 Degree Celsius press conference, Gemini Twin on TRL

8. Robin Sparkles (How I Met Your Mother)
Yes, technically she is not a band. But I love her so much she had to go on here. Who else would tell me to go to the! (all in a Canadian accent) Her song is great, video awesome and dance moves the best. Her follow up song to gain artistic credibility featured the one and only Dawson, and an even more awesome reoccurring character- the robot.

Best Song: Let's Go to the Mall

7. Mouse Rat (Parks and Recreation)
You might know them as Scarecrow Boat, Everything Rhymes With Orange, Nothing Rhymes With Orange, The Andy Andy Andys, Andy and the D-Bags, or Malice in Chains, but currently they are the number one band in Pawnee, Indiana. They are the ones behind hits like November, Anne and 5,000 Candles in the Wind. Led by their lovable leader Andy, this band is a must see if you are ever visiting the historical Pawnee.

Best Song: The Pit

6. Dingoes Ate My Baby (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Here we have the first fictional band on the list that's music comes from a real band. Four Star Mary is the music behind this Sunnydale band. You might catch them at the Bronze or on campus at UC Sunnydale, but I recommend staying away if there is a full moon.

Best Song: Pain

5. Zach Attack/Hot Sundaes (Saved by the Bell)
What can I say about this amazing band of friends led by the heartthrob Zack Morris? They are great. Casey Kasem even says so! And then the Hot Sundaes! I am so excited! Both great bands from one show that you know has to be pretty sweet since it is still airing everyday.

Best Song: Friends Forever

4. Munchhausen By Proxy (Yes Man)
"Hello James. Penelope, Regina, Phillip, Zachary- we are Munchhausen by Proxy!"
Ah, Zooey Dechenel and some great lyrics about not being a whore, networking and keytars. I know that Yes Man is not considered a huge hit, but I love it! I also love Munchhausen by you think they will ever release a full length album? Here's hoping!

Best Song: Uh Huh (Who are you)

3. Flight of the Conchords (Flight of the Conchords)
This fake/real band walks a fine line to be on this list. Some may say "There were a band before any radio or TV show so they are real" some may say "they are a fake band because they do style parodies!" Either way, I love them. Their show- hilarious. Their songs- hilarious and pretty accurate style homages. Even just looking at the "fake" band in the show: who doesn't want to rock the party? Or tell Bret he has it going on? That is what I thought.

Best Song: This was tough but here is a classic- Most Beautiful Girl in the Room and my fav Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros (feat. the Hiphopopotamus and Rhymenoceros) Oh and I have to give the best band manager ever some love: Leggy Blonde.

2. 2gether (2gether movie and TV series)
If you were not an MTV junkie like I was back in the day then you might have missed the awesomeness that was 2gether. What started as a boy band parody movie turned into a TV series, 2 albums, Making the Video specials and an opening slot on Brittney Spears' tour back in her heyday. They had some classic songs like 5gether, Say it Don't Spray it, Awesome Lover and of course U + Me = Us (Calculus). I still listen to their music...regularly. It was like they were made for me! (2gether fans anyone?) I wish they would put out the series on DVD, I know two people who would be first in line to buy midnight.

Best Song: The Hardest Part of Breaking Up (is Getting Back Your Stuff)

1. The Blues Brothers (SNL and The Blues Brothers movie)
Classic. The Blues Brothers (and their band) are the best. They play good music, really well. They are funny too- which is always a plus with me. I grew up watching their movie (I know it is rated R, but that and Christmas Vacation were always allowed.) The movie revived the careers of legendary artist like Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, and James Brown. Oh and did I mention this movie is a riot of laughter, hilarity and car crashes? Because it is. And the soundtrack- the best.

Best Song: Everybody Needs Somebody To Love

11. Spinal Tap
I know, I know "11? that does not make sense?" They are the best fake band ever. They are so good they go to 11, and rearrange the numbers so 11 is the best. If the question were "Could they be any funnier?" the answer would be "no, there are none more funnier." They have been rocking loudly since the sixties with hits like Listen to the Flower People, All the Way Home, and Tonight I'm going to Rock You Tonight. "This pretentious ponderous collection of religious rock psalms is enough to prompt the question, 'What day did the Lord create Spinal Tap, and couldn't he have rested on that day too?'" The craziest thing is that their music could have easily been huge may have even heard their songs in commercials. They have even reunited for tours (I saw them!) benefit concerts, DVDs and CDs with ridiculous packaging. Simply put they are Spinal Tap, and they are the best.
David St. Hubbins: We say, "Love your brother." Well...we don't say it really, but...
Nigel Tufnel: We don't literally say it.
David St. Hubbins: No, we don't say it.
Nigel Tufnel: We don't really, literally mean it.
David St. Hubbins: No, we don't believe it either, but...
Nigel Tufnel: But we're not racists.
David St. Hubbins: But that message should be clear, anyway.
Nigel Tufnel: We're anything but racists
Best Song/scene: Stonehenge

So what are your favorites?? Honorable Mentions below the jump!

*This post inspired by the awesome website HelloGiggles...this post, and this one too.

Honorable Mentions:
  • Mystik Spiral- Daria fell in love with this bands lead singer. My favorite song is the one he wrote for Jane's birthday. 
  • Electric Dream Machine- "Dayman. AhhhHAAAAh!"
  • Jesse and the Rippers- Uncle Jessie was always awesome, especially away from his band singing Michelle to sleep or playing with the Beach Boys.
  • Sexual Chocolate- "I believe the children are our future, Thank You!" SEXUAL CHOCOLATE!!
  • Pop!- Great 80's music from the 2000's. Also great dance moves.
  • Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem- Muppets. Nuf said.

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