The Voice: The fantasy league is over and I WON!!! There were only two of us and the trend of us having the same number of contestants continued to the end and my final person was Juliet Simms who placed higher than my brother's Tony Lucca. BAM! Cannot wait for next year! (However anyone see an overwhelming male skew in the last few weeks? For example going down to 2 per team there were 2 girls and 1 guy left on each team and America voted all the men safe...what?!? That is sad really. I went on all episode about this travesty and received some consolation overall when Juliet at least made it to the finale.)
SiriusXM: So you know how I praised this style of radio a few weeks ago...I am very grieved to report that I have lost it. My free trial suddenly cut out Monday while I was driving. Sad day.
TV: For those of you know me I am a huge fan of good TV and I am really excited that all my shows are coming back next year- Parks & Rec, Parenthood, Castle, New Girl, Up All Night. Also in amazing Downton Abby news: there might be a movie! And Maggie Smith is supposed to be staying!! WOO HOO!!
So You Think You Can Dance has also started!! I am already disappointed by how quickly they are moving through the auditions and how they only highlighted 6 people per city, and there was barely any classic Tyce. On the positive side- DANCE IS BACK AGAIN! I am so excited that SYTYCD is back and that I got so see that adorable 2 year old dance. Soooo cute. (poor version below)
School: Last but not least I am happy to report that I not only made it into my #1 school for my masters but also received a full tuition scholarship!! YAY ME! This means I have to move to Kentucky- but I am not really sad about that but actually really excited. I hear it is beautiful and there are more things to do than here in this small town (not really a huge accomplishment). This worked out amazingly! I am so blessed!