I first heard the term "earworm" on Best Week Ever years ago referring to The Darkness's "I Believe in a Thing Called Love." (Side note- you should hear my mom sing this one...hilarious. She does not know the title, artist, lyrics or even the tune but it surprisingly comes up a lot and she tries to sing it every time. Sample lyrics "I think I like you...and I think I like you too!") The definition from Wiki is: "a piece of music that sticks in one's mind so that one seems to hear it, even when it is not being played." Basically it is one of those songs that is so catchy it gets stuck in your head. Earworms can be from any genre, although the most diabolical and persistent ones are on the spectrum of pop. For me it seems the songs that are really catchy and get stuck in my head also lie on a scale with one side being catchy songs I like and the other catchy songs I hate, with the middle usually being defined as guilty pleasures. For example one end would have Kimbra's "Cameo Lover" the other end would include any Ke$ha song and this middle could be for most adults Beiber.
Below are the current earworms that keep showing up in my head this past month...some fun, some annoying. First we have in the guilty pleasure..."Call Me Maybe"
Next we have a song I first heard on SNL and now it is all over the radio: "Brokenhearted" by Karmin. I like the song, kinda, the "Cherrio" part annoys the heck out of me...you decide.
And finally on that I am a huge fan of- "Warrior" by Mark Foster, A-Trak and KIMBRA!! You should love getting this one stuck in your head:
What has been stuck in your head lately?
I also love call me maybe! I like that I know what the term earworm now. Call Me Maybe is a very fun earworm.